Thursday, May 01, 2008

BoomerTowne Scavenger Hunt

For another great challenge visit Boomertowne points guide for lots of help for an exciting new hunt that rewards you with real prizes

posted by Unknown at 8:07 AM 2 comments

Friday, May 05, 2006

Day 19 - Symbol Challenge 4

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 19 - Symbol Challenge 4

This is the fourth Symbol challenge and this time it is a 6 X 6 grid with 6 distinct regions. Mine seemed particularly difficult this round and I think it was because there were only 6 symbols placed at the beginning. If you have experience doing Sudoku puzzles, then you should be able to complete this puzzle in due time.

If you do not have experience with this type of puzzle, I can offer few hints other than what has been posted in previous Symbol challenge posts. If anyone can offer some assistance, please leave a comment.

After solving the puzzle, the following question was posed to me:

In The Italian Renaissance in England, author Lewis Einstein discusses Florentine Bankers and the Wars of which King?

A - Edward

It is likely that different questions will be asked requiring the use of Google Book Search. Do a search for the title of the book and the text in bold to find your correct answer. Leave a comment revealing the question and answer you were asked.
posted by Unknown at 8:56 AM 18 comments

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 18 - Geography Challenge 3

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 18 - Geography Challenge 3

For this challenge you must assemble the following puzzle. Quite straight forward as was last week's. You must then answer a few questions.

After completing the puzzle, the following question is asked:

Leonardo's reverse-handwriting manuscript on perpetual motion wheels can be found in this city. What is it's name? (For another clue, Hyde in the north.)

A - London

The following is then revealed:

Well done! There are four Blades hidden around the city. Please find them and click on them.

They are highlighted on the map below:

The following is then revealed:

You have found all four blades, and lo! they draw an X over a place just slightly north of the Victoria and Albert Museum, home of Leonardo's Codex Forster. What is it's name?

A - Imperial College
posted by Unknown at 8:30 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Day 17 - Observation Challenge 3

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 17 - Observation Challenge 3

Instructions: Find the clip using the given search terms, watch it, and use your observational skills to seek the truthful answers to the questions.

You'll have to use wit and wisdom in your quest. Look for Sir Leigh Teabing, yet another fascinating character, on Google Video. (Link to video

Sir Ian McKellen is Sir Leigh Teabing, a fascinating character who uses wit and wisdom in his lifelong quest for the Holy Grail, in The Da Vinci Code.

Question 1 - Speaking of fascinating characters, there's only one letter in the entire video that is clearly written in lower-case. What is that letter?


Question 2 - In just one word, the noble Sir Leigh describes the pursuit that both he and you are on. What is that word?

A - Quest

Question 3 - And to bring this back to the topic of movie spectacles, how many times is Sir Leigh shown wearing his? His spectacles, that is.

A - 7

Seven challenges to go. If you were asked different questions, please leave your questions below along with the answers if you got them.
posted by Unknown at 8:56 AM 1 comments

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day 16 - Chess Challenge 3

Day 16 - Chess Challenge 3

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Instructions: Determine the only sequence of three moves that will lead to checkmate in the given chess scenario. Knowledge of The Da Vinci Code may help you, as may Google Search.

As mentioned before, I'm not much of a chess player so I'll help you out by giving you the answers to the questions. NOTE: Each chess board is different so giving the correct moves will not help you if you are not a chess player. As last time, there are only three questions/moves asked.

Question 1 - The Louvre's famous Pyramid was designed by? (Choices are I.M. Pei, Tadao Ando, Richard Meier, or Frank Gehry)

A. I.M. Pei

Question 2 - What French king built the Louvre? (Choices are Louis XIV, Francis II, John II, or Philip II Augustus)

A. Philip II Augustus

Question 3 - Which of these people in history never set foot in Notre Dame? (Choices are Henry VI of England, Joan of Arc, Pope Leo IX, or Abelard and Eloise)

A - Pope Leo IX

Congratulations on another day, only 8 more challenges to go.
posted by Unknown at 8:37 AM 1 comments

Monday, May 01, 2006

Day 15 - Curator Challenge 3

Day 15 - Curator Challenge 3

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Hang the paintings as the instructions ask you to do so, remember that not all hooks will necessarily be used. A very straight forward puzzle, simply click and drag the paintings to where you think they belong. I would recommend starting with the largest painting and going from there. Each new puzzle layout differs. As in the 2nd Curator Challenge, there are a total of 7 paintings to be hung.

Once you have successfully repositioned the paintings (as above), you are presented with the following hidden query, another translate question:

Translate flight to Italian.

A. volo

Leave the question and answer to your puzzle in the comments section to help others.
posted by Unknown at 9:52 AM 10 comments

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Day 14 - Restoration Challenge 3

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 14 - Restoration Challenge 3

This is a fairly straight forward challenge again. There is more complexity as there are now 12 splotches on the piece of art. If worse comes to worse, simply click until all of the spots merge into one. Start from the outside and work your way in as it is possible to not solve this puzzle (it was always possible to solve in the first phase of this challenge). You can only merge debris that is separated by one space.

After solving the puzzle, the following question was asked to me:

Translate nzm from Atbash

Atbash is a cypher language. Here is the key for atbash:

A=Z | N=M

B=Y | O=L

C=X | P=K

D=W | Q=J

E=V | R=I

F=U | S=H

G=T | T=G

H=S | U=F

I=R | V=E

J=Q | W=D

K=P | X=C

L=O | Y=B

M=N | Z=A

My Answer will be : Man

N=M , Z=A, N=M

Very cool puzzle today. Best of luck with yours.
posted by Unknown at 10:13 AM 4 comments

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Day 13 - Symbol Challenge 3

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 13 - Symbol Challenge 3

This is the third Symbol challenge and again it is a 5 X 5 grid. Mine seemed particularly difficult this round and I think it was because there were only 5 symbols placed at the beginning. If you have experience doing Sudoku puzzles, then you should be able to complete this puzzle in due time.

If you do not have experience with this type of puzzle, I can offer few hints other than what has been posted in previous Symbol challenge posts. If anyone can offer some assistance, please leave a comment.

After solving the puzzle, the following question was posed to me:

Translate aringhe from Italian.

The answer: Herring

It is likely that different questions will be asked requiring the use of google translate. Leave a comment revealing the question and answer you were asked.
posted by Unknown at 11:53 AM 7 comments

Friday, April 28, 2006

Day 12 - Geography Challenge 2

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 12 - Geography Challenge 2

For this puzzle you must assemble the following puzzle. Quite straight forward as was last week's. You must then answer a few questions.

By adding some PIZAZZ to A NOVEL IDEA and rearranging the letters, you'll get the location of a museum in this eternal city. What is the name of the city?

A. Palazzo Di Venezia in Rome

After this, you must locate a Greek Cross hidden within the city over the Palazzo Di Venezia. Here was the location of the hidden Greek Cross for me. I am not sure if all puzzles will locate it in the same area.

posted by Unknown at 11:42 AM 1 comments

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Day 11 - Chess Challenge 2

The Da Vinci Code Quest on Google Walkthrough Answers and Hints

Day 11 - Chess Challenge 2

Instructions: Determine the only sequence of three moves that will lead to checkmate in the given chess scenario. Knowledge of The Da Vinci Code may help you, as may Google Search.

I'm not much of a chess player so I'll help you out by giving you the answers to the questions. NOTE: Each chess board is different so giving the correct moves will not help you if you are not a chess player.


1. A word that can be read the same backwards or forwards is called?

A. A Palindrome

2. Jacques Sauniere's body was found in which part of the Louvre?

A. The Denon Wing

3. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog is an example of:

A. A pangram

And that just about concludes Round 2 of the challenges.
posted by Unknown at 12:23 PM 0 comments